Dominican Republic by Kady Dunlap

I've just returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic with International Justice Mission.  Every trip I've taken with this organization has been one of the best of my life.  I'm attaching some pictures from the trip.

Santo Domingo at night

Santo Domingo at night

local park

local park

Cuidad Colonial

Cuidad Colonial

If I get permission at a later date to publish images of IJM's work in the DR, I'll try to remember to blog about that.

More images from recent travel and work soon!

How is it already September? by Kady Dunlap

Here are the additional pictures I referenced in the first entry I made on this blog.  They are from a place called Gullah Grub that I visited with my buddies Hannah and Jessica.  I had wanted to eat here for a while, and I finally got a chance to stop in after a visit to Hunting Island.  We had the place to ourselves, so we got to visit with the chef/owner Bill Green.  He is so interesting.  He's the last of the Gullah huntsman, meaning he is the only African-American still teaching the elements of the drag hunt.  It's a kind of fox hunting.  He's met Martha Stewart and Anthony Bourdain.

low country chowder

low country chowder

Gullah Grub restaurant

Gullah Grub restaurant

me with Bill G.

me with Bill G.

Hannah B. at Hunting Island

Hannah B. at Hunting Island

So, now it's September, and I'm just getting to writing and posting about this.  With any luck, I'll post some new images from the summer before June 2016.

pies by Kady Dunlap

My brother, Mike, gave me a pie cookbook for my birthday.  I love to bake, and First Prize Pies is an excellent addition to my baking library.  Allison Kave's pie game is strong. 

This is the pie I'm working on now- blueberry nectarine with cornmeal crust. 

This is the pie I'm working on now- blueberry nectarine with cornmeal crust. 

I like that she divides up the book by months.  The first pie I made was a strawberry basil pie since June calls for fruit pies. 

first pie

first pie

I'm going to be so fat by the time I finish making all of these.  Worth it.



update by Kady Dunlap

I forget I have a blog.  This is the problem with being so behind the times.  I just updated the website with some pictures from my May trip to Paris.

leaving Luxembourg gardens

It was hard to decide what images to add to my portfolio.  I think I'll try to just add some here over the next few weeks.

je suis Charlie

je suis Charlie

In one of the next few entries - more details about the first image I posted on the blog (from SC in January).

crowds in the Tuileries gardens

crowds in the Tuileries gardens